Tuesday, January 24, 2012

things that i noticed today.

1. I  was taking a final today, and i me being the ADHD kid that i am, i spent 90% of my test-taking time daydreaming, drawing, and just staring at things around the room. i have a habit of jiggling my leg while i take tests/ when im under pressure. People often turn around and yell at me to stop jiggling my leg because it makes their desks move too. well i look down during my final, and the whole class is jiggling their legs.
2. I'm a T.A. for the engineering teacher at my school, and i had to grade papers today. I went along, grading papers, when i realized that these kids suck. Either this teacher is terrible, or these kids have been sleeping all semester.
3. I hate Stanford students. Dont get me wrong, lots of the kids there are nice, but there is a good chunk of students that think their hot shit because mommy and daddy paid their way into one of the best schools in the country.
4. Im a weakling. I used to be really in shape from being a swimmer and cheerleader, but now im just skinny. No muscles or anything. I miss being strong.
5. My High school SUCKS. I have 4 days of in school suspension for shit i didnt do. Ok, so maybe they found my weed, BUT FUCK!!! they were little crumbs, like not even $2 worth of weed, and they said i had a gram. BULLSHITTTTTTTTT!!!
6. I have a nice stomach. I know its weird, but its just nice.

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