Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dirty, Little, Secrets: Partys

Partying is fun, no doubt about that, but it has its downfalls. Whether you’re going out to the clubs, hitting up a rave, or just going a house party, there are many unsavory activities that go hand in hand with partying. Let’s say you go to a house party, every body’s going, right? Well you walk into the party, and everyone just kind of stares at you. Turns out it’s an exclusive party and no one wants you there. It happens more than you would think.
 Drunk kids = fucked up house. At the only party I’ve ever dared to have at my house, a window got broken, people had taken a sharpie to my mom’s paintings, and someone else thought it would be cute to cover all the mirrors in the house with nail polish. I didn’t know have the people in my house that night. I had no fun whatsoever. So never have parties at your house, because something is bound to get fucked up. 
Raves are probably my favorite place to party. The music is loud, I get to dress up all cool, and there are tons of "party favors" to get you to that special place. Well first off, the place is crawling with creepers, waiting to pounce on some innocent, drug-filled, 14 year old in underwear and a bra. You smell absolutely awful after raves, and don’t forget the raver AIDS you get after dancing and mixing sweat with everyone there.
Not everyone can handle their shit. It doesn’t matter if its alcohol, bud, or any drug. It could be the kid that pukes first, this usually “breaks the seal” and more will follow in his footsteps, straight to the toilet bowl. I love my girlfriends, but some of you guys are hot ass messes when you’re drunk. I’m talking crying because daddy didn’t love you. At almost every party I’ve been too, I have come upon some poor soul who got too fucked up, and passed out. We usually stand around, and ask if their dead. We eventually get them to a bed and someone has to baby sit them. Don’t get me wrong, sitting out of the party to take care of someone sure beats the hell out of someone dying because they were left alone.
SEX! SEX! SEX! Hormones and alcohol is a potentially poisonous mixture that often ends in blood, sweat and regret. It could also be that love potion you’ve been looking for. People will have sex in your parent’s room, in some ones car, or in front of the whole party. All sorts of yummy juices are spread across the entire surface that the deed was done on. It’s just gross.

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