Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ive never had a boyfriend on Valentines day, but this year i do. I usually despise this day of love, because im known for being just a smidgen bitter. but i have to admit that this year i am putting my all into making this holiday special for my boyfriend. Cards, on cards on cards, and lots of chocolate. Maybe even a stop by Victorias secret? well anyways, leave a comment on your perfect Valentines day, or your valentines day hatred.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dear Stupid Bitch,

We used to be best friends. You were sketchy then, and you are still sketchy to this day. The other day, i go to hang out with my friend, and your ex boyfriend just happens to be there too. You some how stalked me, and texted me 3 hours after this happened, and told me to stay the fuck away from your ex boyfriend. I'm sure your new boyfriend would love this. You then proceeded to tell me that my friends and my boyfriends  friends, all hate me and that i should take a hint. Then why do they all tell me they like me? Why do they invite me to hang out? Why do they all talk shit about you? See unlike you, I have respect for other people, and i don't try and make other people look bad, and i don't use other people to prove my point. Every text you sent me was threatening, and filled with things like "no one likes you" or "everyone else talks shit" and other things of that nature. Now me, on the other hand, i have only said things that involve you and me, and i haven't brought up things from the past, or random things that Ive hear about you since our falling out. I went with my boyfriend, to play tennis with all our friends, and you happened to be there. I stayed away from you, and had fun with everyone. At this point, you decided to show everyone your collection of knives that you keep in your purse. was this to threaten me? I'm not afraid to admit that knives, especially one in your hand, scare me. Your a bat shit crazy bitch. You have a delightful past with the Police, and if i was to call them, saying your threatening me, I can almost guarantee that they will take you away. You started making up lies about me cheating on my boyfriend whom i love very much, and have nothing but respect for. You have no respect for you boyfriend, and it hurts him a lot. I texted your boyfriend, saying that if the threatening texts don't stop, that I have no choice but to call the police. I didn't swear, talk down on him or you, it was a completely level headed text. Your boyfriend felt threatened. i don't get you two. The fact that you texted me about my facebook status, after i blocked you, was creepy too. You said "Keep things to yourself bitch" you should really think about taking your own advice, because you have been telling everyone, everything. I want to beat your ass, but i wont, because i have more class, and more common sense, in my pinkie toe, then you have in your whole body. But if you touch me, i will come at you so hard, and it will be legal, in self defense, and the police will gladly take you away, to the jail cell that you belong in. I really don't want your life to be like this, and i hope some day you will change, but for now, your a crazy cunt, and you better watch out.
                            Baby B. <3